Sing, sister!

Harpa · 02/11/24 at 12:00 PM

The programme on the 2nd of November in Harpa is dedicated to women's voices. A glorious group of female singers and instrumentalists will present a varied programme of song during different events from noon till the evening.

In Iceland, women are free to sing and express themselves as they wish but that is not the case for all the women around the globe. Recently, we've been thinking of the situation of our fellow women in Afghanistan who currently find themselves in a nightmarish ordeal. Recently, it was all over the news that, in order to protest the new laws of the Taliban which forbids the voices of women to be heard publicly, Afghan women started to sing.

This inspired us and during the 2nd of November, we will think of all the silenced women around the world. We will sing with and for them and imagine how different the world would be if the voices of women were allowed to sound loud and clear everywhere.

The programme of the day

12:00 Dreaming while awake - Norðurljós
12:30 Sing, sister - lunchtime recital - Hörpuhorn
13:30 The fate and stories of women - Norðurljós
15:00 Singing in flow - Hörpuhorn
16:00 mother:land - Norðurljós
19:00 Pierrot lunaire - Norðurljós
21:00 Scent - & sound games / And the self appears - Norðurljós

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