Sigurður Halldórsson

Sigurður Halldórsson studied at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama where his main subjects were cello, chamber music, voice and Performance and Communication Skills. Sigurður is a member of CAPUT, Voces Thules, Camerarctica and Symphonia Angelica. He has toured extensively with these ensembles in Europe, USA, Japan and China. He has participated in several experimental music-theatre and dance productions and other cross-arts activities. Sigurður has specialized in early music performance where his collaborators have been a.o. Helga Ingólfsdóttir, Ann Wallström, Bruno Cocset, Peter Spissky as well as the Dutch violinist and period music pioneer Jaap Schröder with whom he played for over 20 years, both in the Skálholt Bach Consort and Skálholt Quartet. Sigurður was artistic director of Skálholt Summer Concerts in Iceland from 2004 to 2014. Sigurður is professor at the Iceland University of the Arts and programme director for the NAIP European Master of music (New Audiences and Innovative Practice).