Nordic Adventures with YNOC and young soloists

This concert is a unique opportunity to experience Nordic choir music from the operas Maskerade (Nielsen), Snöfrid (Stenhammar), Singoalla (de Frumerie), Ragnheiður (Gunnar Þórðarson) and Þrymskviða (Jón Ásgeirsson), along with an interesting choir piece by Kaija Saariaho. Swedish conductor Andreas Hansson will present the program and conduct the Young Nordic Opera Choir, with pianist Olivera Marinkovic.
Young Nordic Opera Choir consists of thirty Nordic singers, either young professional singers or advanced students, at the age of 18-35 years. The choir performed its debut concert at the Herning Opera Festival in Denmark in the fall of 2023 and this Nordic collaborative project became reality with a generous grant from the A.P. Møller Foundation.
This year, the choir has performed at the Nordic Song Festival in Trollhättan in Sweden, Herning Opera Festival and at the Culture Meeting in Mors in Denmark.
The project is financed by the A.P. Møller Foundation and is set to run from 2023 – 2025.
Please note that due to illness, Jóhann Kristinsson will not perform as a soloist with the choir but young soloists from the choir will take his place.