Andreas Hansson


andreas hansson

Winner of the 2021 Neeme Järvi Prize, Swedish conductor Andreas Patrik Hansson currently holds the position of assistant conductor with the Luzerner Sinfonieorchester in Switzerland. As part of this position, he has had the opportunity to work with a wealth of acclaimed conductors and soloists, including their chief conductor Michael Sanderling, Charles Dutoit, Marta Argerich, and Johan Dalene. He has also been granted several concerts with the orchestra, most notably the 25th anniversary concert of the KKL concert hall.

As a symphonic conductor Andreas is working extensively across Europe and have over the past few years debuted with orchestras such as the Luzerner Sinfonieorchester, Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne, Philharmonie Südwestfalen, Residentie Orkest, Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra, Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra, Norwegian Arctic Philharmonic Orchestra, Stavanger Symphony Orchestra, and Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra. Upcoming debuts this season include Gävle Symphony Orchestra and Dalasinfoniettan.

As an opera conductor Andreas makes his official debut this year with Die Zauberflöte together with the Ludwig Orchestra and Opera2Day on their tour spanning the entire Netherlands. He has previously worked as assistant conductor with both the Norwegian Radio Orchestra on Hänsel und Gretel and the Residentie Orkest on Die Fledermaus, and, in the spring of 2022, assisted a production of The Apocalypse together with Opera2Day and The Netherlands Bach Society.

Andreas completed his master studies in the Netherlands at the Dutch National Master of Orchestral Conducting (NMO) with professors Jac van Steen, Kenneth Montgomery, and Ed Spanjaard. Through the program, he enjoyed assistantships and masterclasses with major orchestras of the Netherlands and abroad, including the BBC Wales Symphony Orchestra, the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, the North Netherlands Symphony Orchestra, the Dutch National Ballet Orchestra, and many more.

Before moving to the Netherlands, Andreas completed his bachelor in conducting at the Norwegian Academy of Music for professors Ole Kristian Ruud and Sigmund Thorp. During his time in Norway, he also won the prestige filled Opptakt, Norway’s top initiative for young conductors, through which he worked with most major orchestras of the country, including Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, and Trondheim Symphony Orchestra. Furthermore, Andreas has participated in a large range of masterclasses for such esteemed teachers as Riccardo Muti, Jaap van Zweden, Neeme and Paavo Järvi, Vasily Petrenko, Joshua Weilerstein, Martyn Brabbins, Antony Hermus, Johannes Schlaefli, Nicolás Pasquet, Christian Ehwald, and Mark Stringer.

Andreas also works extensively as conductor and artistic director of Polstjärnepriset Symphony Orchestra, consisting of Sweden’s top young talents, which each year collaborates with the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra in Side-by-Side performances. Notable works they have performed together include Brahms’ Symphony no. 4, Stravinsky’s Le Sacre du Printemps, Holst’s Jupiter, from the Planets, and Dvorak Symphony no. 9. In addition to his conducting activities, Andreas enjoys both ensemble coaching and teaching conducting, which he does regularly at the Nordic Young Musicians Academy.

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