María Konráðsdóttir

María Konráðsdóttir began her music career at a young age playing the clarinet. She completed her studies from Tónlistarskólinn í Reykjavík in 2007 under the guidance of Kjartan Óskarsson. The following year she returned to the school, this time to study classical singing. Dr. Þórunn Guðmundsdóttir was her teacher for the next two years, after which María moved to Berlin to study at Universität der Kunste (UDK).
In the summer of 2015, María completed her BA degree from UDK under the tutelage of Carola Höhn, Hendrik Heilmann, and Eric Schneider among others. Following this María continued her studies at UDK, completing her MA in Lied and Oratorio in the spring of 2018.
María has performed as a soloist in many concerts both in Germany and Iceland. She won three awards in the International Giulio Perotti Singing Competition held in Germany in 2015. In December of 2017 María performed Icelandic music on the radio show Contrapunkt which was broadcasted by the Bayerischer Rundfunk. She was also chosen to take part in the masterclasses at the International Bachakademie in Stuttgart in 2020, where she worked with Dame Emma Kirkby, Peter Harvey, and Hans Christoph Rademann among others.
María was employed as a vocal coach for the boy’s choir at Staats- und Domchor in Berlin from 2016-2019. She is currently employed as the choir director at Barnakór Seltjarnarneskirkju.