Einar Dagur Jónsson


Einar Dagur

Einar Dagur Jónsson tenor was born in Reykjavík the year 1996. He started his singing studies at 2013 at Söngskólinn í Reykjavík (e. The Singing School in Reykjavík) with private lessons from Egill Árni Pálsson, singing teacher, and Anna Rún Atladóttir, pianist. Despite his young age Einar has sung the part for Gastone in La Traviata where Garðar Cortes was the conductor, a solo with the Icelandic Symphony Orchestra where Rico Saccani was the conductor and he has also sung in concerts for young solo singers and always gotten a good review. Einar has also been attending masterclasses with foreign conductors and his next project is to go on a seminar with Lucy Arner a conductor at the Metropolitan Opera in Croatia.