Elektra ensemble

ELEKTRA ENSEMBLE consists of five outstanding young Icelandic musicians. Since its founding in 2008 the ensemble has given regular concerts at Reykjavík Art Museum, Kjarvalsstaðir, and performed at Dark Music Days, Festival of Sacred Arts in Iceland and Bozar Center for Fine Arts in Brussels. The ensemble was chosen as The Music Group of Reykjavik City 2009 followed by a co-sponsorship contract with Reykjavik Art Museum.
The members of Elektra Ensemble are Ástríður Alda Sigurðardóttir piano, Emilía Rós Sigfúsdóttir flute, Helga Björg Arnardóttir clarinet, Helga Þóra Björgvinsdóttir violin og Margrét Árnadóttir cello. All musicians in the ensemble have graduated from prestigious schools in Belgium, England, Germany, Netherlands and the USA. They have performed as soloists with the Iceland Symphony Orchestra and performed widely in Iceland as well as in Europe and the USA.
Elektra Ensemble’s concerts and recordings for The Icelandic Broadcasting Service have been received with critical acclaim. The ensemble works on a regular basis with living composers and gives premiere of their works as well as performing repertoire from the classical period through to our days. Elektra Ensemble is supported by Reykjavík City and The Ministry of Culture’s Music Fund.