Þórhallur Auður Helgason

Þórhallur Auður Helgason started studying classical singing at Tónlistarskólinn í Reykjavík in late 2011 undir the tutelage of Þórunn Guðmundsdóttir. He had previously sung tenor in the choir of Menntaskólinn í Reykjavík, followed by the Motet Choir of Hallgrímskirkja, where he remains. At a young age, Þórhallur began taking lessons for both violin and piano but turned his attention to song upon graduating from college. He has participated in operas staged by Tónlistarskólinn í Reykjavík, singing the part of Count in Mærþöll in 2014 and the part of Lobba in Hlini kóngsson in 2016. He has sung solo parts with the Motet Choir of Hallgrímskirkja, as well as singing tenor with The Sheep Song Committee since its inception in late 2015. Þórhallur is also a student of philosophy and physics at the University of Iceland.