Sigríður Hjördís Indriðadóttir

Sigríður Hjördís Indriðadóttir, born 7th of January in 1992 in Akranes, started her flute education the year 2002, her teachers were Helga Kvam and Patrycja Szalkowicz.
In 2009-2014 she studied in Reykjavík college of music with Hallfríður Ólafsdóttir, the first flute of the Icelandic Symphony orchestra.
Sigríður won a concert competition in the Reykjavík college of music the year 2013 and played Columbine by Þorkell Sigurbjörnsson.
From 2014 – 2015 Sigríður finished her first year of B-Mus(Bachelor of Music) degree at the Royal Conservatory of Antwerp with Aldo Baerten.
In November 2015 Sigríður won a concert competition of the Icelandic Symphony orchestra and the Iceland academy of arts and played the beautifulNielsen flute concerto with the Icelandic Symphony orchestra in January 2016. Sigríður is one of the flute players on Björk Guðmundsdóttir's most recent album, Utopia, it was released 24. November 2017.
Sigríður has attended many masterclasses from flute players such as, Emily Beynon, Peter Verhoyen, Robert Pot, Aldo Baerten, Samuel Coles, Bernharði Wilkinson and Stefáni Ragnari Höskuldssyni.
Sigríður graduated from Listaháskóli Íslands in spring 2017, with a BMus degree.